Who should see a speech-language therapist (SLT)?
Children who experience difficulties in...
Not following simple instructions by the age of 18 months (e.g. "no" or "give me ")
Not producing first word by the age of 18 months
Not combining words by the age of 2 and a half years old
Social and Communication Skills
​Lack of eye contact
Inability to follow instructions or even hear them
Lack of other socially engaging behaviours (e.g. pointing, waving)
Become upset when not understood by others
Suddenly loses his/ her speech and language skills
Fluency (Stuttering)
Repetition of words/part of words (e.g. 'Su-su-su-supermarket')
Prolongation of sounds (e.g. 'Ssssorry')
Blocking (e.g. B---all)
Trouble saying certain sounds/words correctly
Speech is not easily understood by strangers by 3 years old
e.g. 'cup' becomes 'tup', 'fish becomes 'pish' etc.